Look at this beautiful oil pastel drawing done by Paige Schmidt during Drawing class. Great job, Paige!
The FFA's annual plant sale is tomorrow and Saturday. Stop by the greenhouse to snag some beautiful plants for your garden!
*The greenhouse is located between the high school and Mapleton elementary school*
Hannah Bohm, Loryn Schultz, Dallas Weed, and Brady Seuntjens represented the senior class last night on KDSN radio for their last night of “Class Days”. You can listen to a playback of their show at
Today the seniors went to the Omaha Zoo for their class trip. If you look closely, you can see cheetahs and giraffes.
Reagan Seuntjens broke a 12 year old middle school record in the 800m run. She ran a 2:36.79 which broke her previous best 800m by 14 seconds!
The girls track team has finished top 3 in every meet they have participated in and The boys continue to hit PRs in every meet.
Good Luck Tonight Rams!!
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors!
Join us for Grand March in Mapleton on Main Street tomorrow night!
The FFA's plant sale starts Monday, May 1, 2021 after Grand March. Don't forget to stop and pick one up!
Today in the shop, students are working on preparing and painting the old fencing that is used by the FFA at their annual spring petting zoo.
The FFA banquet was held on Sunday. They handed out awards, heard the 2020-2021 officers retiring addresses, and installed the officers for the new year.
Today the Chemistry students testing the effect that chemicals have on the color of flames.
This weekend, MVAOCOU Senior Ben Schram was recognized as an Iowa Governor's Scholar. Congratulations to Ben on this outstanding honor!
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors!
Menus for this week.
The 2021 Prom Grand March is less than. A week away. Join us for an evening of fun!
The MVAOCOU Drama Club's rendition of The Perfect Score is on-state at the MVAO Elementary in Mapleton Tomorrow, Saturday, April 24th at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $8 at the door. Social distancing and mask requirements apply for all attendees. See you there!
Brady Seuntjens signed his letter of intent to play baseball at Morningside College today. Congratulations, Brady!
This past week members of the FFA chapter attended the state leadership conference in Des Moines. The farm management team of Camric Hamman, Hannah O’Connell, Ashley Rosener, and Thomas Sorensen placed 8th overall. Congrats!!
Varsity Boys & Girls Track Tonight @West Monona. Good Luck, Rams!