Yesterday, in honor of National Fire Safety Week, the students in the Anthon elementary got to meet some local firefighters and check out some of their equipment. Thank you to all of our local volunteer firefighters. We appreciate you!

The Foods I students had their Super Grilled Cheese Competition yesterday, and boy are we sad we didn't get invited to the party!

The Kindergarteners in the Mapleton elementary have been learning about sequencing a series of events. They made apple pie in a cup and sequenced the steps they took to make it. Such a delicious fall treat!

The students in Mrs. Blake's 3rd grade class have been working very hard on writing responses to text in a thoughtful and organized way. They have been using the RACE strategy to help them. It is an acronym that stands for Restate the question, Answer the question, Cite text evidence and Explain the evidence. Check out their work below!

The FFA officers are working hard today to finalize plans for Monday’s Feed the Farmer event.

Another PR in Personal Training today! Students get to ring the bell when they achieve a personal record. Great job, Sunshine!

Biology students modeling the effects sugar and insulin have on blood glucose levels. Students are completing a series of investigations to help answer their unit question "Why did the marathon runner pass out?"

Tuesday the National Honor Society hosted a College Fair forstudents in our district, as well as for students from River Valley, Whiting, West Monona and Westwood. Treats were provided for the exhibitors by students in Hospitality & Tourism. The event was a complete success!

The students in the Mapleton elementary also participated in the Healthiest State Walk yesterday. It was a perfect day to get some fresh air and exercise!

Mrs. Christensen’s Calculus class is working hard evaluating limits involving trigonometric functions. Limits, in the real world, can be used to engineer safe products, help with predicting market and weather forecasts, predict inventory needs, figure instantaneous velocity, etc. We will be applying our skills soon to some of these ideas. Limits are the basis of Calculus, and much of our world operates because of Calculus!

Today Live Healthy Iowa Kids hosted their annual state-wide Healthiest State Walk (Fall Fitness Day). The students in the Anthon building took full-advantage of the beautiful weather and the excuse to get outside and work towards living their healthiest life!

Great job by both the boys and girls cross country teams at Kingsley-Pierson!
Boys tied their season best 3rd place team finish with a low of 90 points. Kael Hamann (9th), Ethan Reed (15th), Justin Dorale (18th) were medalists. Erik Bailey placed 8th in the JV race!
Girls finished with a season best 3rd place and with a season low 65 points. They were 7 points from being champions. Hannah O’Connell (5th), Olivia Beeson (18th), Lauren McMillen (19th). This was Olivia and Lauren’s first medal! MVAO Community School District

Spanish 2 students created “molas”—typical crafts made with multiple layers by the Kunas of Panama.

Yesterday was mummification day in Mrs. Hallowell’s World History class. This is always a fun and interactive activity as the students learn about ancient Egypt.

This week's high school announcements presented to you by the students in MVAOCOU's Public Speaking class.

The students in Spanish III & IV made pinatas last week as they learned about customs and traditions.

The PALS made puppy chow today during their time together.

Yesterday the MVAOCOU FFA traveled to Emmetsburg for District Soil Judging. Four FFA members participated and NW Iowa FFA District Secretary Katie Brenner was there to help organize the event. It was a learning experience for all!

The MVAOCOU Student Council organized a fundraiser for Westwood's McDonald Family today. Students wore jerseys to school in memory of Kage and donated money to be allowed to wear hats in school.

Today’s “Rise & Shine, Rams!” was hosted by the Dance Team!