MVAO CSD is looking for the following job opportunity…
The MVAOCOU Business Professionals of America will be selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts as a last minute fundraising push for next week's trip to Dallas, TX for the National Leadership Conference.
The students will have a table set up in the hallway near the high school office at the Prom Grand March on Saturday, April 30, 2022 from 5pm-7pm and after grand march while supplies last. Bring your cash and be prepared to buy a dozen (or more) doughnuts.
While Supplies Last - - First Come, First Served.
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support.
Attention Seniors & Senior Parents!
There are 10 days remaining to submit your application for a $1,000 School Foundation Scholarship. This opprtunity is available to all graduating seniors attending MVAOCOU.
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support!
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support.
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support.
13 students from the MVAOCOU Business Professionals of America (BPA) Chapter are heading to Dallas, Texas in May to attend the BPA National Leadership Conference. Help them raise money for their trip by letting them "Egg Your House" this Easter!
Students will fill plastic Easter eggs with candy and hide them in your yard just after dark on April 16, 2022 so that your kids can wake up to a fun Easter morning surprise, and you don't have to do any of the work! Use the link below to sign up before noon on April 8, 2022.
The group will also be pre-ordering 300 dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts to sell at the MVAOCOU Prom Grand March on April 30, 2022.
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support.
Tickets for Thursday’s track meet must be purchased online! They can be bought on these following websites.
Congratulations to senior Cadence Koenigs for making it to the All-State Individual Speech Festival for the second year in a row! The festival was cancelled last year, so this will be Cadence's first time performing at the University of Northern Iowa. She will perform on Monday, March 28th. Break a leg, Cadence!
Today the seniors in Mrs. Sass’ Banking & Personal Finance course finished up their chapter on taxes. They learned all about income taxes as well as sales, real estate, personal property, estate, inheritance, and gift taxes.
Grayce Hanke and Cadence Koenigs participated in State Individual Speech this weekend! They both did amazing performing, with receiving an overall 1 rating on all events. Great job, girls!
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support!
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors for their continued support!
The middle school student council members put on a breakout room competition for all of the middle school homerooms. The winners were the students in Mr. Christensen’s homeroom!
Registrations are now being accepted for our 4-year-old preschool program. The child must be four (4) years old by or on September 15, 2022. There is no tuition charge for 4-year-old preschool at this time because of the statewide preschool grant. The online application form must be completed before a child will be considered for preschool placement.
Registration may be accessed here:
Please contact the elementary office with any questions about this.
Anthon Elementary School is celebrating the February Hawk of the Month students! Congratulations to Lydia Hamman, Cooper Benson, Ian Hardy, Kiha VanderPlas, Calym Kreger, Lucas Yockey, and Brantley Goodvin for being students of good character!
Come out and support the FFA at the omelet breakfast on Sunday from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Mapleton Community Center!
Thank you to a group of the MVAOCOU Track & Field team for greeting in Mapleton and to FFA students for greeting in the Anthon elementary this morning!