Mr. Brown's Forensics students studying hair with microscopes - attempting to find a match for their suspect.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Student Council Poinsettia sales are in! If you ordered one they should be delivered soon!
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Breakfast and Lunch menu for Tuesday October 24th
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Girls Basketball Kicks Off Tonight!
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Mrs. Christensen's Pre Calculus class enjoyed class outside today and continued their learning of trigonometry concepts. They had a furry friend join them that they have deemed it their "class pet" and named it Pythagoras.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Good afternoon, MVAO families and community, You can access our updated Virtual Learning Plan on our website by clicking the following link: Mr. Thelander
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Good afternoon parents and students! As we head into the holiday season, the temperatures are dropping and the time we spend inside will be increasing. While we continue to be vigilant about preventing the spread of COVID-19, it may mean less time with extended family and friends. It is important to make taking care of yourself a priority. For some of us, it might mean getting more sleep, being more active, drinking more water, or feeding our body more nutritious food. As simple as some of these things might sound, many of us are not meeting our own basic needs and our health is suffering as a whole. With so much uncertainty in our communities as we continue through this pandemic, please take this reminder seriously. Take better care of yourself, you matter and those around you matter! Please Pass the Love is sponsoring several self-care workshops online for middle school and high school students. Parents please encourage your students to participate. Maybe take that extra step and sit in on the workshop with your student. Make a plan together to help each other practice self-care! Click on the link for more information on the self-care workshops for students.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT for our Elementary and Middle School families. Those students will be going virtual starting Monday, November 23rd. Please read this letter in its entirety.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Today in Mrs. Scholl's Fundamentals of FCS class students completed the chocolate chip cookie lab.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
This winter, spectators will need tickets to be admitted into activities for all school events. Two tickets will be made for each athlete to distribute to their family members. There will still be a $5.00 admission fee at events. Please contact our Athletic Director, Jordan Scholl, with questions at
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
MVAOCOU BPA Would like to thank its new sponsors for their support!
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Menu's for Monday, November 16.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Yesterday Mrs. Scholl's Foods I Class did an "Effect of Mixing Muffins" Lab. Looks delicious!
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Students from across the district wore blue to raise awareness for Type 1 Diabetes.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
The K-5 students in the elementary buildings have been participating in a Vote for Books event for the last 5 weeks. Below are the winning titles for each building. If you're looking for a good children's book, check these out!
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Mapleton Elementary Vote for Books Winners
Anthon Elementary Vote for Books Winners
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
JH Girls and Boys basketball @Westwood
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Wear blue for Diabetes awareness Friday, November 13.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
Today the high school had a assembly for Veteran’s Day. During the assembly, High School Science Teacher, Major Casey Brown discussed what influenced his decision to join the Air National Guard.
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass
MVAOCOU Students and Staff would like to thank all our veterans for their sacrifices today and every day!
about 4 years ago, Angie Sass