High School Basketball Tonight @Home. There are lots of ways to watch or listen to the Rams take on the Raptors, so be sure to tune in!
MVAOCOU High School has set a date for its Jr./Sr. Prom!
We look forward to planning and offering an experience for our students that is both safe and fun and by waiting until later in the spring we can entertain the possibility of hosting some outdoor festivities. Stay Tuned!
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its generous sponsors!
Our Mattress Fundraiser is coming to the school soon! There will be over 25 beds on display for customers to try. The beds are new, brand name (Simmons Beautyrest, Englander), made to order, available in all sizes and cost less than retail stores. 0% Financing plans available. All major credit cards accepted. In addition to beds, there will also be luxury pillows, sheet sets, weighted blankets and even adjustable power bases! Please share this information with family and friends! Our goal is to raise $6,000 this year!
Check out this cool video to see how it works:
The High School Girls Basketball team is selling raffle tickets to win a Green Mountain Grill. Contact Coach Dose at cdose@mvaoschool.org to get yours today!
The Music Department's Annual Mattress Fundraiser is quickly approaching. Mark your calendars if you're in the market to buy a new mattress, pillows, or sheets!
Early out today, Happy Holidays!
The Rams newest Gold club member Kolby Scott, Black Club members Thomas Sisco, Lane Hanke, Brady Seuntjens & Ben Schram from the fall training cycle. We’re currently on week 7 of the winter cycle.
T shirts purchased by our great sponsors:
Clausen Farms - Kevin and Jaclynn Clausen
Fireside Steakhouse and Lounge
BKR Ag Partners
Wall of Fame
Security National Bank
In Control Electronics
MVAOCOU BPA would like to thank its sponsors!
The Quiz Bowl team had a good performance in their virtual tournament today, and according to Mrs. Hallowell, they were definitely the most fun and energetic group of the competition! Nice job, kids!
So many fun things going on this week in Mrs. Scholl’s FCS Classes. Foods I completed a food creation lab, Hospitality made food truck fried tacos, Early Childhoold Education made bulletin boards and Fundamentals of FCS sewed coasters. Great job, kids!
Elementary and Junior High Students, Join the Basketball Teams for Saturday Basketball Tomorrow Morning!
The Jr. High Boys Basketball Team won their games last night against Woodbury Central. Nice job, gentlemen!
7th Won 35-30
8th Won 36-18
Varsity Wrestling tomorrow. Good luck boys!
Middle School basketball tonight!
Mrs. Dirksen's yearbook and ceramics class made clay ornaments to decorate their Christmas tree!
JV / Varsity Girls Basketball Tonight. Good Luck, Rams!
Middle school basketball tonight, Thursday, December 17th
Varsity wrestling tonight, Thursday, December 17th
This is the view of a student in Algebra 1 with Mrs. Christensen. Students have been doing lots of review in most classes as they prepare for finals next week!