Tune in tonight to hear the Rams take on the Rockets of Ar-We-Va Live at 7:00 pm!
Medals again today in Holstein for Ram Cross Country runners Kael Hamann (14th) and Hannah O’Connell (35th). Both the boys and girls cross country teams placed 10th today. Great job, Rams!
It looks like ours truly is a house divided!
The Kindergarteners met their High School Pals today! We will be showing you some of the fun activities they do together in the coming weeks.
The middle school football team beat Woodbury Central 28-0 in their first game of the season last night. Great job, Hawks!
The students in Intro to Art were working on their cross hatching skills this week.
This Friday's elementary greeters are the members of the MVAOCOU Cross Country Team. Keep setting good examples, Rams!
This just in: A photo of our cross country medalists from Tuesday night's meet. Great job Kael & Hannah!
The Ram WriteUp is now going to be a section in your local papers, but the content will still be coming from students. This week, Mrs. Paulsen's Communications classes are interviewing seniors for their Senior Spotlights. Check out your local papers next week to read their work!
The MVAOCOU Marching Band was working hard at perfecting their marching today at the football. Check out the band at the next home football game on Friday, September 24th!
The Dance Team is hosting a Kids Clinic Fundraiser. Kids will perform a Lion King themed dance at halftime of the football game on 9/24. Please return completed forms to maureensharp92@gmail.com by 9/15.
Mrs. Hermsen's Biology students are currently studying cellular respiration and today they did an experiment with yeast and sugar to see how it works!
MVAOCOU's Public Speaking class made a TikTok showing tips and tricks to deal with the anxiety associated with public speaking. Great work!
Ram cross country runners performed well at Sibley Ocheydan last night. The boys varsity team placed 8th overall. Individually, MVAOCOU had two medalists, Kael Hamann placed 9th and Hannah O'Connell placed 20th. Joey Koithan medaled at 12th place for the junior high.
The Rams didn’t come away with a win last night, but they all had a great time at the tailgate afterwards!
The middle school is in on all of the homecoming fun, too! What a great way to end the week!
The middle school is in on all of the homecoming fun, too! What a great way to end the week!
CNOS Trainer Deb Gress visited Mr. Gill's Personal Training students on Thursday to discuss the importance of sleep, nutrition, weight lifting, and water consumption for overall health.
The Cross Country team performed well last night at Logan Magnolia.
The boys placed 5th as a team. Two Rams medaled individually, Kael Hamann finished 6th and Hannah O’Connell placed 19th.
We just received one more family picture and couldn’t resist sharing. The middle school teachers really brought their A-Game today!